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[db:作者] 2024-05-13试卷答案





Years later after marriage. I adopted a well behaved cat. Suddenly he decided to 43 ahouse plants. As it could be a 44 of his not feeling well, I took him to the vet. When tests alcara mee back 45 the familiar question was asked again, “ Has anything changed in your home?We thought hard but couldn't get it until one day we 46 our cat unsuccessfully trying to get in thetil ofromwindow.Ah-ha!We had replaced the old 47 with new wooden blinds. They clearly 48 him fromsitting in his favorite spot. The n I 49 the blinds every morning. The digging stopped.I had forgotten those two incidents. Until recently our dog started 50 not herself and becamean absolute 51 on our daily runs. It was right when I was taking her to the vet that I thought of thege sion I would most 52 beasked Afer years of beig at home, T had recently gone back to aIt was a difficult 53 for our family, but I n ever considered the 54it would have on one particularmember of the family. Suddenly, she was 55 all day long in a quiet house. Why had n'tI realized itbefore?B.appeared C. changed D.come41.A.happened42.A bedroomB.permission C.mind D.absenceD.dig up43.A. put up B.take up C. hold up44.A. means B.sign C.manner D.mistake45.A.positive B.negative C. fine bad D.different46.A. controlledB.witnessed C.followed D.conducted47. A, windows B.tools C.pictures D.curtains48.A.blocked B.developed C.wasted D.absorbed49.A displayed B. raised C. covered D.ignored50. A.working B. acting C. eating D.sleeping51. A.mystery B.wonder C.pain D.reason



听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What is the close st ATM next to?A.A convenience store.B.A cinema. C.A big yellow building.


A6. What is Gregorio Burger wearing?A.A purple jacket. B. Yellow pants. C. Blue tennis shoes.

