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[db:作者] 2024-05-13试卷答案




Tennessee, 15-year-old Sergio Peralta 42 that people would laugh at him for his 43.Sergio's right hand didn't form fully at birth.“In the first days of school, I honestly felt like44 my h and in my sleeve(袖子) , ”Sergio admitted.“Like nobody would ever find out.”It turns out that his fellow students were a lot more 45 than he assumed. In fact, whenthe school's engineering teacher 46 Sergio'sh and, he suggested the students in his classshould 47 him. The school is equipped with online modeling software and a 3D printer, so theteacher suggested a real-life 48 that would benefit both the students and Sergio. Severalengineering students 49 began working on a prosthesis(假肢) for their new clas mate.“We could build your prosthetic hand, ’the y 50 me and I never expected it, ”saidSergio. Students worked with Sergio to get the prosthesis right, and when it was finished, it 51all expectations. Sergio was now able to 52 a baseball using his right hand for the first time inhis entire life. Beyond the practicality of having a 53 prosthesis, Sergio felt something evenmore powerful:He fit in. 54 being teased for his disability, he was celebrated and assisted.“They changed my life, ”said the 55 teen.41.A.curiosity B.guilty C.nervousness D.sympathy42.A.announced B.worried C.remembered D.admitted43.A.performance B.ambition C.quality D.difference44.A.waving. B.extending C.hiding D.ignoring45.A.open-mindedB.nature-lovingC.absent-mindedD.hard-working46.A.trained B.covered C.treated D.noticed47.A.follow B.help C.challenge D.join48.A.applicationB.appointment C.invitation D.explanation49.A.temporarily B.hesitantly C.eagerly D.impatiently50.A.promised B.warned C.advised D.questioned51.A.set up B.lived up to C.ruled out D.fell short of52.A.catch B.transform C.select D.replace53.A.familiar B.safe C.use ful D.similar54.A.Regardless ofB.Apart from C.Due to D.Rather than



假定你是李华, 与交换生同学Sam要共同完成一篇英语小论文。Sam提议用Al完成初稿。请你用英语给他发一封邮件,内容包括:提议的想法和理由。1.你对:Sam 2.你的建议及计划。注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。Dear Sam,________________________________________________________Just then, Sam's bobber suddenly dipped below the surface.____________________________


( ) 65. What is the text mainly about?A.Why the neighbors are noisy.B. When the neighbors may be noisy.C. How to deal with the noisy neighbors.D.How to get along with your neighbors.

