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[db:作者] 2024-05-14试卷答案




publications . 39 Others have essays written by climbers that can give you a feel for this sport.Publications are good sources of gear advice and reviews technique and training tips, and climbingdestinations.If you're passionate about rock climbing, you'll want to find others who share your love ofthis sport.Ask about groups or clubs at a local climbing gym or search the Internet . 40____A. There are many options.B. Climbing is n't for everyone.C. Rock climbing has gained popularity in recent years.D. Rock climbing involves both physical and mental challengeE. The more you learn, the more you'll want to know and share!F.Most of all, you need time and commitment to learn the skills.G.There are many books available that outline the basics of rock climbing.



3$$n _ { 1 }$$9Just ahink about it: You’re involved in a project, and then your phone receives a textis t t40 And regaining your focus might be harder than you anticipate. The samenessafoes for that catchy news headline or an interesting social media post that catches your eyeAu lling you away from your task and making you lost in the se a of distractions.A. But it is double-edged.B Some distractions can be avoided.C. Statistics reveal how common this issue is.D Theyre also persistent and endless in getting our attention.E. The sound of it is loud enough to interrupt your concentrationF Stir u lating our interest and increasing the speed of our work are important.G. This makes maintaining focus in the noisy world a n ever-increasing challenge.


10. What has become a concern after storm chasing gets more popular?A.Safety issues. B.Equipment cost.C.Media coverage. D.Weather conditions.

