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[db:作者] 2024-05-14试卷答案





第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。To attract more students, colleges offer an abundance of resources to prepare students for afulfilling life. 36. So the schools'administrators have designed programs to help you makethe most of your college life, ranging from advice on course selection to extra assistance for yourwell-being.LibraryThough it may be tempting to study in your room (in bed, under the covers) , try thelibrary. Most libraries have a wide range of study spaces, from solo-occupant study carrels tolounge areas designed for group work. 37. Once you've found a few favorite spots, makethem part of your studying routine.Academic Advising38 . How ver, an academic advisor can simplify the process. During your freshmanyear, you may be assigned an advisor to help you make your first academic decisions. In theyears that follow, you'll likely have various advisors whose jobs are to make sure you graduate ontime. 39 , not just when your schedule needs approval. They have deep insight intocourses, professors, and opportunities on campus and the better they know you, the morevaluable the advice and support they'll be able to provide.Health CenterYou already know you can go to the health center when you feel sick, but do you know thatmost health centers also provide resources to improve students’well-being? To help students维护权益严提前考试第一举报者重奖1000元电话:(0)18987573845destress, many schools offer wellness programs, including yoga, meditation, and even visitsfrom therapy dogs. The health center is there to support your mental health as well as yourphysical health. Counseling is available for all students. Remember that no problem is too big ortoo small . 40With the help from all these, your college life must be enjoyable and fulfilling.A.A successful graduate is the best advertisingB.Balancing college life with career planning is no easy tasskC.Test them all out to see which environment works best for youD.Your counselor can provide support any time you feel overwhelmedE.Get ahead of the game by making your first appointment early in the yearF.Selecting courses and meeting graduation requirements may seem complicatedG.Get to know the advisors by arranging meetings with them throughout the semester



17.When will the discussion program It's My Opinion be broadcast?A.At8:30. B.At10:30. C.At11:30.


22.Who is the original writer of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer?A.Gibert B.Mark TwainC.Huck D.Philip hur y

