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[db:作者] 2024-05-15试卷答案




你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个.Where did the man do in the past?A. In a factory.B. In a hospital.C. In a bak.



After graduating from college, Li got a job as a typist, but she found it difficult to communicate well withher other 47 due to her hearing loss.Her husband, being hearing-impaired(听力受损的) as well as anart lover, understood her feeling and advised her to 48 her job and join his company, which 49 in3Dw all and ground paintings.Wall painting is a 50 job because it requires people to work outdoors, whether in extremely hot orcold weather.As all the staff in the company are hearing-impaired people, communication with clients is themost 51 challenges that the team faces.“My husband and I want to 52 painting to more people like us and help the m 53 their own wayto make a living.”Li says.Now Li has an apprentice(学徒) who just graduated from college.While 54the newcomer, Li is exploring her own style and hopes to open her own 55 one day.41.A.silent B.small C.crowded D.changed42.A.upset about B.different from C.proud of D.equal to43.A.advertising B.designing C.expression D.transportation44.A.life B.work C.art D.nature45.A.control B.enjoy C.tour D.create46.A.observation B.translation C.voices D.efforts47.A.colleagues B.clients C.students D.artists48.A.find B.quit C.lose D.need49.A.involves B.reflects C.simplifies D.specializes50.A.rewarding B.demanding C.satisfying D.interesting51.A.common B.unique C.hidden D.potential


40 Spend some time finding a trail that is open and safe to walk on duringthe winter. If you can't find a trail that fits your requirements, you can come upwith an alternative plan. Walk around your local neighborhoods to view the holidaylights or go to your local park where you will probably find some sort of walkingtrail that is accessible during the winter.A.Nor will you suffer from being too cold.B.Stay focused while you are out walking.C.You may find your favorite trail closed during the winter.D.You will be more steady on the snow and get a better workout.E.So why not continue to spend time outside, taking winter trail walks?F.The severer the weather is, the more careful you need to be when walking.G.A trail that normally get s lots of traffic may be empty during the winter.

