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[db:作者] 2024-05-17试卷答案





15.What is important to the girl according to the man?A.Self-confidence. B.The study. C.A new hobby.



20. Why did Frederick and Calvert design the park?A. To improve the city's air quality.B. To make a place for people to do exercise.C. To provide people with a place to enjoy fresh air.


Author Parker J. Palmer in his book, Let Your Life Spea h, shares about the time he was 25depression. He re calls that some people who visited him tried to cheer him up. “Its a 26 day.Why dont you go out and 27 in the sunshine and look at the flowers?”Although he under-stood their 28, it made him more depressed. Others 29 him tha t he was a teacher andwriter who had helped many people.Try to remember all the 30 you’ve done and surely____you’ll feel better. That 31, too, left him depressed.____Then there were those who had the 32 to st and with him in simple ways.One was a guynamed Bill who asked Parker’s 33 to drop by his house. Bill would sit Parker in the chair,____kneel in front of him, 34 his shoes and socks and massage his feet for half an hour. Bill____would 35 do this and say very little. When he talked, he would not give advice but 36Parker's feelings. This simple act of care was what helped Parker 37 his dark time.____Occasionally, we are thankful for the 38 to be that friend to offer our presence to oth-ers. We hope our love and kindness can lead us to friends who are 39.And once there, eve____if we are uncertain of what to do, we can simply be 4021.A. send B. approach C. carry D. connect22. A.resource B.solution C.belief D.strength23.A.alone B.afraid C. available D.common24.A.easily B. properly C. scientifically D. awfully

