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2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语

[db:作者] 2024-05-20试卷答案
2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1、2024届高考冲刺 预测

2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语选择部分

26.What amazed the author during her trips?A.Large numbers of houses. B.The decoration of subway stations.C.The clothes deserted on sidewalks.D.Animals walking on the streets.

2、2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语填空题部分

2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语

My 46 for doing this has grown and Im being asked more and more often to givepeople tour guides. Since I am somewhat fluent in Japanese, I could 47 people for this andhe come somewhat of an official tour guide. I choose not to though, because to me, the most448 thing is making sure that the tourist has the most meaningful and fun experience theycould possibly have. It is also about 49 a lifelong connection with that person, and with thelocals we interact with during our time together. These tourists could spend a bunch of moneyon a guided tour that keeps the m 50 but separated from the culture . I 51 to give theman experience that's deeper and opens their mind, all 52All of you can do the same. When you have someone visit your area, don't just take themto the 53 spots. Show them places with 54 that means something to you. Show themyour 55 through the places and the experience you give them. The tourists will thank youforor it.A.A.basis B.talent C.interest D.preference42.A..care B.know C.worry D. complain43..A. evaluating B.expecting C.expressing D.experiencingC.representsD.develops5.A.owves B.ownsC.offers6.A. imag ifin at B. realization C. innovation4.A. rejects B.praises12 D.lendsD.reputation

3、2024届高考冲刺 预测卷·(三)3英语阅读理解部分

C.Newspapers are also worth reading.D.Surround you with English speakers.E.As you travel home or fall asleep, you can listen to it.F.Whenever you learn a new word, make sure you make a note of it.G.You can also listen to English radio stations and find plenty of listening materials on the Internet.

