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[db:作者] 2024-05-24试卷答案




15. What is the woman's job?A.She is an office worker.B.She is a scientist. C.She is a teacher.



(A)443. What can we know from the chart(图表) ?A.People can't bring any food to the cinema.B. People don’t need to wear masks after the movie.xC.People should show their ID cards before they get into the cinema.D. The tickets are free from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. on weekdays.y


____A____A girl's smile went online. The video was 31 by Ma Rui, a24-year-old vol unter teacher at Da ping Primary School, and TieJia x in, the smiling 32 , is a first-grade student at the school. Ma____said that the video was shot 33 .She grew up in a small village____and 34 to teach in Daping Primary School for one year.____Long time ago, the small village in Xiji town was 35 poor that many of the____schools were old. The classrooms were small and students had no enough exercise books towrite on. They couldn't even eat enough. The playground was not 36 . After manyyears of hard work, people of Xij i t own improved 37 .On November 16, 2020, Xij i____town was out of the poorest towns in China.After learning about the 38 the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation____donated 50, 000 yuan of kitchen equipment(装备) to Da ping Primary School to improve thedining environment for students. The students now can eat enough and 39 .Now, teaching tools are excellent, and students open their 40 to the world.Thechildren are so lovely and confident.c31.A.heard B.ordered C.taken D.controlledB.girlBB 32.A.boy C.man D.woman33.A.in fear B.by accident句然C.on show D.at present88.A.very B.too C.so D.quite34.A.dreamed B.followed C.replied D.volunteeredA 36.A.smooth B.small C.terrible D.dangerousC 37.A.ourselves B.yourselves C.themselves D.herselfB838.A.service B.situation C.decision D.habit89.A.clearly B.possibly C.healthily D.badly40.A.ears B.eyes C.mouths D.handsB

