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华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语

[db:作者] 2024-05-24试卷答案
华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1、华夏鑫榜 安

华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语选择部分

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,Shawn Cheshire rode across the country on her bicycle, depending on Jesse Crandall, a chemistry professor, to____guide her e very step of the way. Cheshire los t he r 41 after an accident nine years ago and turned to________—? be case she believed sports and physical challenges gave her anther opportu it y a____ ____43 ."Through a friendship with Crandall, she has 44 bicycling to her activities, traveling across____ ____the country, meeting and inspiring people all along the way.To Crandall, teaching and guiding are about helping others through 45 . "For many students,____ ____chemistry is something they have no experience with, ”Crandall said.“So, when I'm teaching, it helps to think____ ____about my experiences 46 my blind friend Cheshire. Then I try talking about the lesson in a language that,____ ____47 , everybody can understand.”Crandall and Cheshire have been skiing, climbing and bicycling together for the past decade. In 2018, the

2、华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语填空题部分

华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语

答案是C。1.What does the woman mean?A.Keep the window closed.B.Go out for fresh air.C. Turn on the fan.

3、华夏鑫榜 安徽省2024年高三5月联考英语阅读理解部分

Sometimes I want to go out and 33 my money right away. But my dad teaches me howto 34 the money properly. My money goes into three parts:some money in my savings,some for donating and some for shopping. I often have new 35about how to spend mysavings. For now, it stays in the bank.places that I really like to help isThe donated money goes to 36 places. One of the places that Ithe Nature Preserve(自然保护区) . The Nature Preserve needs donations to buy food for theNatuanimals. They even 37me a thank-you card after I made a small donation.II think my parents are always te always teaching me good 38 about money. Sometimes my____friends will get new toys, and I want something, too. But I always 39 how much it willencost I wonder if it is really 40 now. Do I have enough money to spenThese are goodways to practice being responsible with money.D.classmates31.A. friends B.parents C.teachers32.A. before B.until C.unlessD.after33.A. offer B.lend C.spend D.spread34.A. provide B.manage C.wasteD.control35.A. ideas B.jobs C.rules D.reasons36.A. special B.different C.strange D.wonderful37.A.sent B.created C.showed D.promised38.A.subjects B.stories C.lessons D.problems39.A.find out B.think about C.take up D.work on40.A. interesting B.use ful C.natural D.commonBI like vog a and I enjoy it whenever I am free. There is a standing yoga way and it's myfavorite. Each time I 41 this practice, I feel close to all those in the group. And it makesme smile.Instead off standing 42 , the class stands close enough to hold____hands, We put our left palms(手掌) up, right palms down, giving and43 love and help in our life.

