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[db:作者] 2024-05-27试卷答案




9.What did the college students do in the experiments?A.They answered 80 multiple-choice questions.B.They provided partial information on 80 questions.C.They answered 80 questions with one-word answers.D.They guessed the answers according to the first letter.



don’t have any 48 on me but my son wants to give you everything he has rightev49 homeless man smiled, “God bless you, little mar l At that moment, the only thingof the man’s smile was the bigger smile on the little boy’s face. seethe brightness, as otheronlyA chain reaction of kindness 50 behind them that day in Nashville. Ten nese,people rolled down their windows to 51 , too. Smith suddenly 52 tha t he was the onlyou____ ____problem in this situation. He said, “My little boy 53 me by his actions that it's a lays about thefteheart. It doesn’t 54 how much you have or how litle. 55 love and sincerity will often bless____others more than we think.”D.agreed( ) 41. A. managed B. promised C. intended D. hesitant( ) 42. A. confused B. doubtful C. tenseD. formally( ) 43. A. normally B. clearly C. secretly D. solution( ) 44. A. reaction B. devotion C. objection D. in the charge( ) 45. A. out of sight B. out of control C. in the way D. commitment( ) 46. A. fortune B. difference C. nameD. lifted up( ) 47. A. rolled downB. reached for C. looked throughD. food( ) 48. A. check B.card C. cashD. showing( ) 49. A. matching B.replacing C. reflecting( ) 50. A. changed B. stopped C. remainedD.started( ) 51. A. greet B.smile C.chatD. donate( ) 52. A. remembered B. realized C. accepted D. regretted( ) 53. A. reminded B. comfor ted C. praisedD.warned( ) 54. A. help B.work C.meanD.matter( ) 55. A. Returning B. Accepting C.Spreading D. Seeking第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


23. If you always compare yourself withe yourself with others, you might not feel good about yourself-I agree. We should believe inn7A.myself B.yourself C. themselves D.ourselves

