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[db:作者] 2024-05-27试卷答案




useful, ”he thought. Then they came to a 32“I can't swim.How can I reach the other 33e other 33?”said the hedgehog“Ha! It’s not 34”said the rabbit and he jumped over the jumped over the river easily. The hedgehogwas putting the stick into the river. 3.01共)空 面单 N“Why don't you try to jump like me?”said the rabbit.However. the hedgehog stood the stick and 35 the river.They came to a large arearge area of wet land. The rabbit 36 a deep hole by accident. Withthe stick's help, the hedgehog pulled him out,d him out.37 he would lose his life. The rabbit neverthought the stick would be so useful. “38 you picked it up, ” he said to the hedge hoog.uddenly a fox ran towards the rabbit. The hedgehog waved the stick and ran after the fox.nly,The fox was 39 39 and ran away. Then the hedgehog gave the stick to the rabbit because he____thought the rabbit might 40 it.____“Thanks, ” said the rabbit. But what about you?”1f to.“It doesn't matter. What's really helpful is wisdom(智慧) , ” said the hedgehog.x biG31.A. angryB.nervouso sIC. excitedu or eulD.tiredoi32.A. hillB.river C.field D.village33.A. homeB.side C.partanD.place1234.A. fairfair gni at ms alB.safe blir o bio-1C.hard D.easybu g l35. A. hitB.crossed C.filledD. coveredad so36. A. fell intoB.turned offli qoqC.went over D. heard about37. A. so B.Actually C.LuckilyB.and C.but D.or 038. A. Suddenlytor lom B.clever C. sleepy D.afraidD.Certainly 一.



9.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their family members.B.Their work experiences.C.The man's dream job.


听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Workmates. B.Roommates. C.Classmates.

