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2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语

[db:作者] 2024-05-27试卷答案
2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站1、20

2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语选择部分

56.Which is proved to benefit students who will take exams?A.RnB. B.Nature sounds.C.Classical music. D.Video game music.

2、2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语填空题部分

2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语

33.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The advantages of the artificial eye.B.The material used for the artificial eye.C.The design of the artificial eye.D.Similarities between the artificial eye and the human eye.

3、2024届江西省中考考前抢分卷[CCZ X AJX]英语阅读理解部分

5.What do people think of the Brummie accent?A. Favored by foreign visitors to the UK.B.Closest to the RP accent.C.Smart and easy to understand.D.Spoken by people of lower class.

