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[db:作者] 2024-05-28试卷答案




6. Where does the conversation take placeA. In a shop. B.In a hotel. C. In a restaurant.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。When I was a boy, I spent much time playing alone. I didn't mind it too much, though.I lived outside town, next to a forest where oaks(橡树) were my companions(同伴) .I wouldsit under them and enjoy their 41 , sharing my stories with those 42 friends.____Therefore, it was so shocking for me when Iwas 43 ina wood processing factory. Itwas n't just the time-taking work, long hours, and low 44, but it was also seeing treesbeing 45. The re d oak trees were heavily 46 because they made the prettiesthardwood 47.One afternoon after along day's work, I decided to take a walk in the forest. As I walked48 around, I was filled with the longing for childhood days. Feeling so 49 , I dropped____myhead and that was when Ifound it:a red oak acorn(橡子)that had somehow served____hungry 50 all winter long. Something Id read once 51 me at that moment:“An____acorn becomes a 52 eventually if it wants to!”I smiled, bent down, 53 a handful of____dirt and carefully planted that little acorn. The n I 54 my home, no longer sad, for I alsorealized in our life we all start out as an acorn, but whether our future is a forest or not is55 us.


19.What should one do after getting two shy friends talking to cach other?A.Think about the next topic.B.Get involved in the conversation.Leave them talking to cach other.20.What is the speaker doing?A.Persuading his friends.B.Sharing his experi cnc e.C.Chairing a program.

