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2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语

[db:作者] 2024-05-30试卷答案
2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语得系列试题及其答案,

2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语选择部分

******** *******************************************************( ) 21. When will the English festival be held?A.On May 5th. B.On May 12th. C.0nMay15th.

2、2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语填空题部分

2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语

Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。What's your dream? People like to ask their children the same question. Jake had different answers tothe 41when he was a little boy. But at the age of 12, he go t his final 42. After he saw his father doweightlifting(举重) to be strong, he decided to be the 43 child in the world. Jake told us “Like father,like s on”. He also said, “My father is very strong. So I 44to be as strong as my father.” Tstarted to train(训练)Jake trained very hard to make his dream 45. When his friends were playing, he 46most of hisuld) e histime on weightlifting. After two years of hard work, the boy could lift(举起) more than twice his own 47Now he trains three times a day at school. And he wants to lift more weights.Jake has talked about his love for weightlifting and his dream to many people. But not everyone istingitexcited about it. Some people are worried that too much train ng may be 48 for the boy's body. Jake’sneyparents say they don’t worry about their son's health, 49 he gets regular check-ups(定期检查) andwogood training. Jake said, “I'll try my best to achieve th50..”) 4l. A. question B.business C. standard442. A. model毛豆 B. ambition里心 C. imaginationD. machineC)) 43. A. thinnestB. shortest C. strongestD.record)(44. A. fearB.send C. encourageD. tallest)(45. A. come trueB. give up46. A. costC. try onD.hope( 13)B.pulled47. A. heightC. spentD. jump downB.weightC. nameD. attended

3、2024届[山西 云南 河南 新疆]高三5月考试(标识:锥形瓶)英语阅读理解部分

18.What did the speaker like doing in Africa?A. Meeting many interesting people.B.Seeing animals run freely in the wild.theC.Enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.

