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天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语

[db:作者] 2024-05-30试卷答案
天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语得系列试题及其答案,

天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语选择部分

32. What isat is special about the tooth cleaner?A. It's water-proof.B. It’s transformable.C. It looks like a toothbrush.D. It contains skinny bristles.33. For whom the tooth cleaner is good news?A. People having lost all their teeth.B. People having difficulty brushing teeth.C. People making traditional toothbrushes.D.People engaging in producing false teeth.34. How does St eager feel about the future of the device?A. Doubtful. B.Negative. C.Pessimistic. D.Confident.

2、天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语填空题部分

天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语

31. What is the best title for the text?A. Global Leaders Are Aiming at Global WarmingB.Human-caused Climate Change Is Having a Big ImpactC.The Earth's Black Box Warns of It s End Due to Climate ChangeD.The Earth's Black Box Can Save Us from Disastrous Situations

3、天一大联考 2023-2024学年(下)安徽高二5月份阶段性检测英语阅读理解部分

A.Favorable B.Unconcerned. C.Disapproving.12.What will Nora probably do?Bg no re Zen's opinion.A.Have a vote with her family.C.Communicate with Zen.

