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[db:作者] 2024-05-30试卷答案





18.Who helped the speaker practice speaking?A.His classmate. B.His teacher. C.A drama actor.



Patrick, Sc heels store's fishing manager, always helps customers with their angling (垂钓) needs, butone 41 stoodout.____One day, a young boy named Xander entered the store with his mother, Brynn.Patrick noticed his eye____were filled with 42 about the world of fishing. For nearly half an hour, the y 43 theirshared passion.Brynn shared the 44 of Xander's connection to angling, explaining, “My dad, a fisherman,passed away last year, but Xander never got to go fishing with him. So over the last year, he's been 45____grandpa, wishing he could go fishing with him.”46 by Xander's longing for a connection to his late grandfather, Patrick decided to take____action and 47 Xander his first fishing pole.“It was sixty dollars and he bought it with his ownmoney, ”Xander said. This 48 gesture brought tears to Brynn's eyes, and she acknowleged that____ ____such acts of kindness are n't 49 .However, Patrick's generosity didn't 50 here.The 22-year-old fishing enthusiast went a step____further by 51 a memorable fishing trip for Xander and his family.To 52 that Xander had____an enriching experience, two professional anglers from Scheels 53 him on the trip, offering____guidance and teaching him valuable skills.Patrick's kindness was 54 a breath of fresh air for Xander and his family, who described the____fishing trip as a once-in-a-lifetime 55 .“I felt like it was my due diligence to pass on the good____word of fishing, ”Patrick said.41. A. argumentB.journey C.adventure D.encounter42. A. curiosityB.nervousness C.concern D.regret


17.What does Bill prefer to collect?A.Bottle caps. B. Coins.C. Stamps.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

