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[db:作者] 2024-05-31试卷答案




$$v _ { 0 }$$第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中遇出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)10 1A. Om the sohB the table.cC. Under the chair.A. 17 years eld.B. 16 years old.A. Has a fever.B. s a s to maecha chA.Weather.Water.A. Play exl footballCleaned his room6. A. Cm ce a week. B. Three times a week.7. A. Boring but pop B. n teresting and popular.15 years oldld.C.Has a toothacheC. Pollution.id his home woorkTwice a weekBoring and terrible.A.Brother amd sister. B.Mother and sesonFather and daughter^{∘}A. A2:00 B.At1:50.C、 t 2:10.10.ABecause he thinks it’s too no is.B. Be case he thinks its a waste of time.C. Because it always make s him mer vous第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据对话的内容,从题目所给的三个选项



( ) 46. The passage is mainly about io.____A. a story about Ramadan____B.the future of gold lanternsC. the tradition of Ramadan D.a story about a monster


As winter comes, hands can easily get cold. Thick gloves might be a good 31wearing them is not co venient, especially when people want to do something with their 32However, cold hands were not a problem for ancient Chinese. The y had a lovely tool to 33 theirhands warm - hand-warmers.There is no record of this 34, buts34 but there are some stories about it. One folk story is aboutEmperor Yang from the Sui Dynasty. When he visited Jiangsu in winter, it was so 35that the localthatofficers asked workers to make a small warmer for the emperor. And they hoped the warmer could be heldin his hands. And then, the hand-wamer was 36 By the Song Dynasty, the to ol was 37 usedin China. kills for producing the tool were greatly improved in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Many books from the ing Dynasty 38 people using hand-warmers. Take the Dream of the edChamber, the classic novel write by Cao Xue in, as an example. In the eighth chapter (章) , itdescribed, the servant, named Xue yan, was asked to 39 a h and-warmer to Lin Da i yu.The an cint hand-warmers were made of bronze (铜) or cera ics (陶瓷) . And they had differentshapes. And the most 40 shape of all is the round one. There were even the shape of pumpkins andflowers.( ) 31. A. trade B.race C. choice D.rule( ) 32. A. hands B.ears C.legs D.eyes( ) 33.A.show B.break C.beat D. keep( ) 34.A. direction B.cave C. invention D.cup( ) 35.A. cloudy B.cold C.warm D.hot( ) 36.A. discussed B.locked C.founded D.created( ) 37.A.sadly B.widely C. recently D.bravely( ) 38.A. treated B.shone C.missed D.recorded( ) 39.A. send B.sell C.shut D.attend

