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[db:作者] 2024-05-31试卷答案




(提示:48题、53题为易错题)Iam a procrastinator(拖延症患者) , which means I can not make myself do things. Though Ilike my studies, the point is when I got homework, I 41to make myself start it. Ithought the situation would improve in high school, but it didn’t.Once I had to write a huge essay, a project that I was 42 prepare for the wholeyear. However, I 43 it from the very beginning. Time passed44 and before I knewit, there was only one week ahead of the 45 . The sam e very day I was to start. I brokemy right arm. It seemed that the universe decided to 46 me. 47 , I started my essaytyping with my left hand.it. There was no way I could 49Everyone in my class was already 48 their essay and I was only five or six paes throu hnothing was ready. She said, “Well, you could 51it on time . I had to come to my 50 and tell her thatyear."How 5? I was when I t old her I had just started and that I am a pro eras ngowhat you have written during theShe turned out to be very 53 , as she said that3, as she said that she would set another deadline andtime . 55prepare a(n) 54 schedule for me so that I could write a decent work in e mewas of a better quality than I could have ever hoped.a her. I managed to complete my work under her strict control and re gag



34. What does Taal as think of the ocean temper atature?A.It may be even more worrying.B.It remains unchanged these years.C.It rise s at a fixed speed every year.D.It has no clear influence on climate.


9 What will the woman do with her luggage?A.Check it in. B.Take it wuth her. C.Make it lighter.

