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[db:作者] 2024-06-01试卷答案





15.What uality can kids develop by working with clay according to Kevin?A.Being organized.B.Being concentrated.C.Being patient.



10. How long has Simon worked in the current position?A.One year. B.Three years. C.Five years.


Take a bath. It's usually a good idea to lie in the bath full of water with your eyes 42 . It can help your____mind out of all the trouble. Most young students like the bath very much.Take in some 43 air. Try to let your 44 relax while you are in the nature. If it is sunny, enjoy________the bright sun. If it is raining, listen closely to the 45 of the rain against the things. You can relax yourself____once you can put yourself in the nature. The study shows that the nature can help people relax 46.____ill your mind with 47 feelings which can keep you out of shyness. The following 48 can____ ________help you have such feelings. Try smiling. Spend money or time on others. Do some sports 49 not too____much. Call up a friend or a family member and make some plans with her or him. These must help you a lot. Thenyou’ll 50 your stress hurting you.____( ) 41.A. reach B.leave C. solve D.guard( ) 42.A. closed B.excited C.open D.full( ) 43.A. tidy B.awful C.cheap D.fresh( ) 44.A. brain B.dream C.hobby D.smell( ) 45.A.speed B.sound C. shape D.taste( ) 46.A. completely B.seriously C.lightly D.quietly( ) 47.A. simple B.common C.active D.exact( ) 48.A. steps B.facts C.reasons D.methods( ) 49.A.and B.so C.as D.but( ) 50.A.warn B.avoid C.force D.drive

