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[db:作者] 2024-06-12试卷答案




“Bennet, in particular, is growing with the help of Leonie.I believe homeschooling is47 for children, as it is for Bennet.He can 48 the timely help he needs. Bennet lovesskateboarding and other sports, and he dreams to become a professional 49. Arabellawants to be something 50 every day, ”Barry added. “When the songs are on, she wants tobe a singer. When cartoons are on, she wants to be an artist.”For the twins, Barry's friends, Amanda Keller and Miguel Maestre, are 51 . Theywere crying with Barry when he 52 tha t his cancer had returned after si years inremission(缓解期) .Being a father has made Barry 53 what life igh be like for both kids. Finally, Barysaid, just want to be as 54 as I can be. They se me as a person they re proud of.believing I'm doing good things. Despite my 55, I am grateful to my faily and for if e.41.A.walkB.listen C.speak D.write42.A.classmate B.family C.friendD.student43.A.building B.travelling C.cookingD.recording44.A.asking B.teaching C.findingD.calling45.A.blessing B.lesson C.struggleD.chance46.A.endlessly B.occasionally C.actuallyD.briefly47.A.confusing B.difficult C.funnyD.significant48.A.identify B.spare C.ignoreD.get49.A.author B.physician C.playerD.lawyer



29..Which of the following belongs to a finding of the team?A. Jackdaws can pick up speed in a short time.B. Jackdaws respond specifically to their bird calls.C. Jackdaws can be easily affected by their fellows.D. Jackdaws spend about five seconds on their voting.


8.What does the man say about the woman's lecture?A.It is well-paid. B.It is beneficial. C.It is complex.

