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[db:作者] 2024-06-13试卷答案




10.Where was the woman just now?A.At a supermarket. B.At home. C.At her mother's house.



26. What does Cooper think of his invention?A. It is a milestone in science. B.It is beyond his expectation.C. It needs a harmless internet. D.It develops out of his control.


Surprisingly, Patricia had a way of help ig kids discuss and understand their 49. She calmedpeople down when they were upset, 50 them up when they felt sad, and was a great conversationstarter for kids who didn’t want to 5I . Our school counselor(咨询师) often brought students in tovisit Patricia, and they always left our classroom feeling 52 and more self-regulated(自我调节的) .After some reflection, we realized that the 53 of the pineapple was not really just about theplant. Patricia helped544 an environment filled with passion, positivity and nature. This type ofenvironment is 55 for our nervous system, which leads to self-regulation and enhances learning.41. A. cooking B. teaching C. sightseeing D.gardening42.A. try B.gift C.wish D. lesson43. A. barely B.finally C. immediately D.regularlyular44. A. reveal B.predict C.share D. ignore45. A. bored B. relieved C. thrilled D.frightened46. A. yard B.farm C.clinic D. class47. A. accompanied B.injured C.guarded D.shaded48. A. important B.expensive C. beautiful D.famous49. A. lectures B.performances C. emotions D. looks50. A. raised B.woke C. gave D.cheered51. A. talk B.rest C.study D.move52. A. younger B.happier C.quieter D.slower53. A. taste B. power C.name D. source54. A. reflect B. decorate C.create D.protect55. A. calming BB. challenging C.changeable D.complex

