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[db:作者] 2024-06-15试卷答案




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mom had spent years as a stay-at-home mom. However, I could tell that she 41 the working____ ________ ____women.When I asked her about 42 again, she would just tell me to concentrate on my education.My mom could make anyone 43 . She has the ability to reach everyone's 44 . I once asked,____ ____ ____________ ____“Mom, have you ever 45 being a st and-up comedian?”She laughed at the idea, but then began to cry and____ ____said it was too 46 for her. I was sad to watch her struggle between 47 and doubt.________With her birthday coming, I realized what I 48 wanted to give her was the 49 to takea chance. I____ ____________placed little notes of 50 inside the present I had bought. I asked my family and her close friends to do the____ ____same. On her birthday, when she saw and read the notes, she started to 51 with her hands full of notes. She____ ________could not believe the support was 52 , that everyone knew she had a special 53 and believed in her.________ ____Within two months, my mom made a 54 performance in a New York comedy club. Within a year, she____ ____was performing at the nation's major comedy club monthly.____For many parents, their children 's 55 are their greatest achievement, but for me my mom's is mine.____41.A.trusted B.envied C.understood D.opposed42.A.playing B.performing C.working D.exploring43.A.reflect B.calm C.pause D.laugh44.A.heart B.potential C.objective D.requirement45.A.figured out B.thought about. C.given up D.succeeded in46.A.fortunate B.shameful C.late D.boring47.A.ambition B.fear C.confusion D.trust48.A.merely B.eventually! C.gradually D.actually49.A.strength B.guidance C.permission D.freedom50.A.apology B.congratulation C.comment D.encouragement51.A.sweat B.weep C.rise D.practise52.A.timely B.constant C.real D.limited.53.A.gift B.hobby C.taste D.need54.A.regular B.disappointing C.successful D.conventional55.A.interests B.supports C.outlooks D.careers



[18. Why did the speaker leave his town?A. To learn new skills.B. To become an adventurer.C.To experience new things.


D. It aims to protect natural and cultural heritage.23.What do the last two activities have in common?A.They offer amazing music.B. They invite famous singers.C.They serve free snack foods.D.They give visitors a discount.

