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河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语

[db:作者] 2024-06-15试卷答案
河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语得系列试题及

河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语选择部分

Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a hairdresser’s.B.At a doctor’s.C. At a butcher’s.

2、河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语填空题部分

河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语

25. What did the author think of her le?A.It was happy. B.It was lonely.C.It was worry iug D.It was interesting.

3、河南省2023~2024学年度七年级下学期期末综合评估 8L R-HEN英语阅读理解部分

Oneback before dark. When I was a little kid, I believed my dad was the never made me a toy or took me to a fun fair.dOne day I was left at home alone again. I 43 so bored that I began to draw pictures1 he cameon some paper. I didn't realize I was drawing on the books of my father's until he cameingsgs.ksback. All the first pages of my father's new books were 44 with my childish drawings.My father picked up his books, looking at them carefully for a moment. Instead of 45at me, he sat down and wrote in the books himself, beside the drawings made by me: John's4 46 , 1997, age 6. You have made the 47 price les. Theyre the best gift I've got.mThe years and the books came and went. I experienced 48 all young men gotheencethrough: success and failure, laughter and tears. From time to time, I would open the books,9 thatlook at the drawings, and read my father’s words. I began to realize my father 49 me thata bad event in life can have a positive side. He also taught me about what was really 50 inlavee a positive siolife: people, not objects; love, not anger. D.sometimes41. A. often B.seldom C.alwaysD.friendliest43. A. felt B.tasted C.smelt42.A. worst B.bravest C.shy estD.sounded44. A.busy B.bored C.angryD. covered45. A. looking B. shouting C.pointingD.laughing46. A. love B.advice C.workD.secret47. A. books B.pencils C.giftsD.drawings48. A. why B.what C.whenD.where

