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神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语

[db:作者] 2024-06-17试卷答案
神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语得系列试题及其答案,更

神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语选择部分

神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语

B. Relatives.35.What can be inferred about Lauren and Niel?C. Sufferings. D.Books.A. Their jobs have led to their different a phantasia.B. They suffer from a phantasia to varying degrees.sufC. They’re clearly the two extremes of visualisation.D. Their visualisation is not recognized officially.

2、神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语填空题部分

神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语

11.What is challenging according to Jack?A.Doing well in sports.B.Entering Oxford University.C.Being a teacher.

3、神州智达 2023-2024高一省级联测考试·下学期期末考试英语阅读理解部分

carefully 52 the bottle and read the note Brian wrote as a child, which made theman them down. The surprisesmile. The couple expressed 53 for Billy's kindness in5454 29.offered the couple great 555 after losing Brian at age 29. D.washed41. A.fished B.threw C. broke D.direction42. A.event B.location C.experienceD.set outt43. A. held back B.got off C. stood outD.took44. A. drew B.posted C.describedD. demonstrated45. A. generated B.lost C.changedD.widely46. A. secretly B.constantlyC.carefullyD.decision40 47. A. dream B.wayC.dayD.markedayC.composed48. A. revised B.translated49. A. important B.dull C.creativeD.reasonable50. A. believed B.helped C.thankedD.contacted51.A. hopefully B.hardly C.definitelyD.eventually52. A. wrapped B.examined C.decoratedD.kissed53. A. love B.trust C. satisfactionD.gratitudeC.trackingD.turning54. A. slowing B.calming55. A. comfort B.chance C.confidence D.experience

