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[db:作者] 2024-06-17试卷答案





A.At the girl's home.B. In the classroom. C.At the bus station15. How will the speakers go too the West Hill?A. By school bus. B.By bike. C.CDn foot.



53.A.challenging B.terrible C.complex D.complete54.A.bring out B.cut out C.figure outD.make out55.A.clickedB.watched C.edited D.posted


第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词成括号内单词的正确形式。More than 1, 600 artists from 100 countries entered the 2021 Youth with Refugeeg(难民)Art Competition. The com peri tion was run by the United Nations refugee age ney. It 56(challenge) young people to design a soccer ball based on a theme(主题) :“Together throughsport Five young arist s w on in the competition.Nadira Ganji, 17, was one of the 57(win) . She expressed, her ideas 58(different) . Her design showed athletes playing a lot of games. Nadir a wns inspired by59(watch) sports on TV.“They were all players coming from different backgrounds, "she said, "all with different abilities. " She's also a refugee. At 12, she was for oed to Je ave herhometown for India 60 she lives with her family today.James Cowley Lane, 10, was from Ireland. His winning design s toad for hope. “When 1play soccer, "James said, “I forget all my worries. ”He had heard 61 refugees in thenews. He saw the art competition as a way 62 (help) those in need.63 five winning designs in the competition we re turned into real soccer balls. This64(do) by a group called Alive and Kicking.“Their designs lock so 65 (impress) , "said Ben Sadler who is the group’s. Money from sales will support sport programs forrefugees.

