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[db:作者] 2024-06-20试卷答案





10.What does the man offer to do?A.Take the woman to the airport.B.Pick up the woman at the airport.C.1Pay the application fee for the woman.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。



20.What does the speaker want to do right after graduation?A.Work in a hospital.B.Study for a doctor's degree.C.Help patients around the world.


As smoke spread in the car, Sarah realized it was about to 44 . And they must get outof the car immediately! Sarah 45 to move out through the window along with her friends,and they managed to 46 themselves and ran for their life.But halfway down the road, Sarah was 47 that the taxi driver was n't with them. Sheran back and found the driver unconscious(昏迷的) in his 48.She opened the door and49him out with the help of other girls, avoiding the broken glass as best as she could.They finally pulled him a few feet to 50 and laid him on the ground. “I checked his pulseand put my head against his chest. But there was no 51 of life. Then I started to applyCPR(心肺复苏术) on him, ”Sarah said.Sarah pumped the driver's chest and breathed into his mouth.ed into his mouth 52, there was still noresponse. And then, after the 45th compression(压紧) , Sarah was almost ol53 o and wasabout to give up when the CPR surprisingly 54 ! Soon, the driver was rushed to the hos-pital. After he came back to his life and heard how he had been saved. He was more than55. pig b us b4l.A. noise B.cry C.screams D. laughter42. A. attracted B.replaced C.challenged D.removed43.A. crashed B.developed C.broke D.turned44.A. speed up B.slow down C.blow up D.set off45.A.agreed B.struggled C.preferred D.refused46.A. free B.enjoy C.consider D.satisfy47. A. embarrassed B.glad C.aware D.worried48.8. A. officeB.bed C. house D.seat49.A.pickedB.dragged C.called D.sent

