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[db:作者] 2024-06-26试卷答案




CSleep is an important biological process for people and animals.But some mammals (哺乳动物) , like the northern elephant seal, survive with much less sleep.Researchers in a new study described the unu ual sleep pattern of these ocean animals. Theyfound that when these mammals go to feed on trips that can last seven months, they sleep just twohours.Those two hours of sleep are made up of short moments of rest lasting only 10 minuteseach as they dive deep to avoid predators (天敌) .The seals'sleep time during ocean trips is different from the 10 hours a day they spendsleeping on the coast during mating season at places like California'sAno Nuevo beach.The researchers placed a head covering with sensors (传感器) on the heads of the seals thatthey studied.The sensors recorded sleep signals created by the seals'brains and heart rate. Thesensors also recorded the animals'location and depth beneath the se a. The researchers studiedfemale seals because they go out on long open-ocean trips while males feed in coastal waters.During dives lasting about 30 minutes, the seals went into a deep sleep called slow-wavesleep while keeping a controlled downward movement. When they then experiencedrapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, a condition where voluntary movement while sleeping stops,the seals fell into a turning patter. They sometimes ended up without movement on the seafloor.Terrie Williams, a scientist at the University of California who helped write the study, said,“It is remarkable that a wild animal will fall into deep REM sleep when there are predators on thehunt.”She added that the seals solve this problem by going into deep sleep in the deep parts of theoceans where predators usually do not hunt them.28.What is considered unusual for northern elephant seals during feed on trips?A.Resting for two hours on end every day.B.Diving deep to escape their predators.C.Having a 10-minute s leep 12 times a day.D.Spending 10 hours sleeping on the beach.



9.How does the woman feel about her job now?A.Satisfied. B.Regretful. C.Disappointed.


35.Which can be the best title for the text?35.D. The environmental problems caused by amino acids.A. Biodegradable Glass: Closer to SustainabilityB. Biodegradable Glass: Ready to Hit the MarketC.Amino Acids Lower Costs of Glass ManufacturingD. Amino Acids Cast New Light on Glass Application

