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[db:作者] 2024-06-26试卷答案




A.Go boating with Tom.B.Listen to the radio.C.Check the weather.2.What will the woman do for the man?A.Buy him some food.B.Prepare for the picnic.C.Drive him to the supermarket.



11.Which place does the man want to see?A. The Louvre Museum.B. The Forbidden City.C.The Metropolitan Museum of Art.


____Mths later, Ashley announced that she was expecting a baby. I couldn’t he lp but thinkof M. She would have loved to 331D first great-grandchild. One day, as I sortedthrough M/heMom’s bel onbelongings, I noticed a doll with yellow hair. It looked very familiar, and itok me a minute to 3 it.It was the doll from the supermarket. Then I noticed a note one doll’s skirt. It read "Aor Ashley’s kid."Just then, I realized how 33△Mom was. Ismoothed the folds of the doll’s skirt with 34D Ashley's little daughter just turned oneyear old. It was time to give her the doll: a great gift from great grandma, one that wasBtoher.21. A. dropped B.lost C.hiddenD.returned22. A. troubled B.attracted C.encouraged D.moved23. A. determined B.confused C.shockedD. satisfied24. A. sharpness B.pity C.fondness D.wonder25.A. embarrassment B.excitement C. concern D.sorrow26. A. make B.list C.comp are D.purchase27.A. managed B.pretended C.failed D.forgotten28. A.rule B.name C. idea D.wish29.A. Commonly B.Sadly C.Casually D.Impatiently30. A.work on B.give up C. search for D.show off31.A. invite B.teach C.protect D.welcome32.A. recall B. fix C.record D.pack33. A. skillful B.helpful C.thoughtful D.grateful34.A. pride B.care C.fear D.anger35.A.friendly B.interesting C.necessary D.meaningful第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

