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[db:作者] 2024-06-30试卷答案




a i ldu gail I n ever had someone 9 me like that, let alone a real live coach. He gave me thes qoxu50 I needed. I set out to run my 51 marathon and completed it in 4:25:00. Little didvs I know that this would be the beginning of nearly a decade of marathon and distance running.i old n Running a marathon is n’t for everybody. But it is for anybody, anybody who wants to52 the unreachable and to take that 53 into the rest of their life. When you cross thefinish in e you may never have a 54 picture of what you are made of and capable oaccomplishing. Your 55 of the world and, more importantly, of yourself will forever beCchanged!mmolD.nearly41. A. alwayss B.rarely C.neverBC42. A. pointing B.applying C. turning D. spreading16



请阅请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面方框内的七 个选项中选择五个填人空白处,使对话通顺、合、理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。(Annie and Tony are i al king about the films. Tony=T, Annie=A)T:Annie! I tried to phone you on Saturday afternoon, but your phone was off.A:Sorry, To ny! 78T:Oh, so what did you do?A::79 0AEGBT:What was the film?-1A:An old one from many years ago called Blue Lions. 80T:Don't you prefer funny films? ng in it.81A:Well, my favorite film ever is hed Boy, which actually is n't funny and has nothing am aT:Oh, I haven't seen it.A:82 I think i’ better to see films on a big cinema screen.T:I think so.


Bells and drums were used to announce the time in past centuries. The Bell Tower andthe Drum Tower 59. (build) to serve a similar function in 1272. Since then, they____have experienced several periods of renovation. The two towers, 60. were open to____the public in the 1980s, are now popular tourist spots in 61. capital.____The Drum Tower is 46.7 meters t all, with two stories housing 25 drums. The BellTower is slightly 62. (tall) , at 47.9 meters, and also consists of two stories with a____gray building. The buildings 63. (base) on fine architectural designs and delicate____patterns were both made of wood.These buildings have witnessed many changes, standing as symbols of Chinese historyand culture as well as the 64. (wise) of ancient Chinese people. They remain part of____the city's landscape, ready 65. (witness) more changes in Beijing's ongoing____development.Passage 2Aside from teacups and rice bowls, China doesn't do anything on a small scale. Sureenough, their recently-completed solar power array(阵列) in Ningxia is huge.

