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[db:作者] 2024-07-01试卷答案





14.How long will the speakers stay in America?A. One month. B.Two months C.Three months.



Yi Jiu fan, 87, in Changsha, Hunan Province, became famous online recently with____his unusual travel experiences. Over the last 27 years, he has visited 4 o arondthe world, which include Russia, the United States and so on. He writes poems, takesphotos and 32 videos about his travel. Some people said he has 33 a dream that________many young people are looking forward to.Yi always wanted to 34 famous attractions(景点) in the world and learn newthings and meet new people. However, he was so busy at a younger age that he 35had time. Then in 1994, he began his first journey to Beijing. In 2008, he went abroadfor the first time to some Asian countries. Then he made it a goal to travel around theworld 36 he was 80.Yi once flew 15 hours to South Africa and kept walking 56 kilometers within 12hours. He said his most unforgettable travel experience was a trip to Vietnam in 2013with three 37friends. The four people including Yi all had some health problemsand the y 38 each other on the six-day trip.Now, he always travels with friends and family members, and has even becomea(n) 39 , planning everything in advance. He said he had made hundreds of newfriends on trips. When asked about 40 he will go for the next stop, he said, “SouthChina Sea sounds like a good place.”( ) 31. A.villages B.towns C.cities D.countries( ) 32. A. sells B.records C. imagines D.borrows( ) 33. A. missed B.begun C.realized D.bought( ) 34. A.visitB.find C.check D. gn( ) 35.A.alwaysB.often C. sometimes D.seldom) 36. A. since B.between C.before D. unless( ) 37. A.strange B.special C.successful D.funny( ) 38.A. looked up B. looked forC.looked at( ) 39. A. organizer B. photographerC. driver D. workerD. looked after


different subjects(主题) , including animals, plants,Rock carvings in the park 4444in the park area since the 1970s. “Rock art hasete. About 6, 000 carvings have been 45roady been found in many other places across China, but the park is the only place that hasso many rock art pieces in one location, ”said Mr. Zhang, an expert on rock art. This helpsvisititors learn more about ancient art, perhaps ina 46 of just one or two hours.According to Zhang, the “histories on rock”were a kind of good way for humans to showtheir spiritual(精神的) world before words were 47 . Zhang said, “In a sense, rock art carhe i s as a language. "For the past years, Zhang and his team have been 48 rock art."Some imes, we spend a whole day and end up finding nothing, ” said Zhang. “It's challengingwork.”Other experts and the local government have tried 49 best to protect it. And theYinchuan World Rock Art Museum has opened to 50 people's awareness(.意识) of the____needed to protect rock carvingsA41. A. angry B.afraid C.upset D.surprised442.A.information B.decisions C.population D.joy3. A. whether B.how C.which D.if44.A. understands B.covers C.discovers D.receivesA5.A. found B.heard C.hit D.finishedC46.A. risk B.group C.trip D.dream47. A.explained B.forgotten C.saved D.created48. A. setting up B.searching forC.discussing withD.worrying about49. A. our B.your C.their D.its0.. A. cause B.make C.raise D.choose第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)

