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[db:作者] 2024-07-01试卷答案





22.$$2 2 . W h a t d o F A C E S ^ { M } M a g a 2 i n e a n d M U S E \odot M a g a z i n e h a v e i n c m m o l$$?3A. They provide high-quality fiction.B. They cover life in foreign countries.C. They are vividly illustrated with photos.D. They are packed with authentic local voices.7



3.Why does the man make the calall?B、CA.To make an appointment.B.To get help from Dr. Miller.C.To ask about his test results.4.Where does the conversation take placeB.B.On a C.In a mountain.


Ⅵ.完形填空。(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。ADeng Qing ming was born in a farming family in East China's Jiangxi Province. He is one of the membersof Shenzhou VX task, China's 10" manned spaceship to the country'sTian Gong Space Station and he 31achieved his dream.All of us are proud of him.Deng became the first members of the PLA astronaut group in January 1998 with other pilots. He is alsothe last one of the country's first group of 14 astronauts to be 32 into space. Although he failed to be33 tofly into space, he never gave up and was always strict with himself. He never stopped training and____completed his task 34 . For example, each time the astronauts were in space, he watched closely in the____control center and offered all he knew about the 35 and the spaceship in case of emergency(紧急情况)Only when the astronauts returned to the earth can he 36 himself wholly.When training for Shenzhou XI, planned to be sent up into space in 2016. Deng, along with Chen Dong,was confined (限制) to a spaceship simulator (模拟器) no 37 than 10 square meters for 33 days. They had____no showers, ate only space food and put up with loud noises and 38 light as they tried to sleep. On the daywhen Deng knew he was not chosen, he didn't lose his heart and still firmly believed that he still had a 39and worked harder than any of his teammates.

