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[db:作者] 2024-07-03试卷答案




50 And so I built habits to geta shift:da book deal from a major people in the publishing world and 52 myself to write pages and pages each day. While Iwas doing this, I kept writing 53 articles on the side. Soon, though, I 544 55 that thisand replace them with new ones that will help you get where you want to go.Readers kept telling me that they found value in these shorter pieces, and itwas the type of content I enjoyed writing most. So Ive changed my writing habits.Ever the best routines are useless if they are no longer serving you. Just get rid ofhem,D.circle. B.order1.placeC. interestC. routineD.confidence42.W energyB. timeC.cutD.injuredB.burnt43. A. coveredC.small.wrongB. commonD.assessC.suppose45.f imagine44. A. majorwonderD.simplifyC.save46. disturbB.buildC.differenceD.wish47. A. plan B.changere ncCl exerciseD.stretch48. A. treatment B. examinationexC.eatingD.writingB. sleepingD.advertiser50.W. publisherB regularlyC.properly49.A. workingB.designerC.editorD.hurriedly52. A. allowed51. A. eventuallyB.advised C.pushed . commanded54. A. formed B.brought C.causedD.complex53. A. wonderful BB.short C.attractiveD.noticed55. A. insisted on B.held up C.turned out D believed in



33.Which word can best describe the Cherokee music album?A.Diverse. B.Beautiful. C.Mysterious. D.Popular.


M.补全对话(共5小题每小题1分,满分5分根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中运出能填人空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余这项,A: Hi, Tom. How was your school trip last Saturday? Bi It was great I went to farm.A:51B: I went there with my friends.A,52B: We went there by bus. It’s very far from be re.A:5B. It took us half an hour to get there.

