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[db:作者] 2024-07-09试卷答案




9.Each tourist will be given a from which they can learn more about the famous scenic____spots in Shenzhen.A.novel B.textbook C.poem D.brochure


38.(2024七上·钟山期末) 看!那些是我的阿姨们。
Look!        my aunts.
39.(2024七上·钟山期末) 我喜欢草莓,你呢
I like strawberries.        you
40.(2024七上·钟山期末) 桌子上有一串钥匙。
There is a        key s on the desk.
41.(2024七上·钟山期末) 我们应该经常帮助父母做家务。


Hello, boys and girls. Look at the boy in the picture! He is my favourite cartoon character (卡通人物). His head is very __21__, so we call him “big head son”. He __22__two big eyes. His hair is black. His favourite __23__is yellow. He is always __24__a yellow T shirt and a pair of blue pants. He looks very cool.
This man is the boy's __25__. His name is “little head father”. They don't look the __26__. __27__does he look like His face is long __28__his head is small. His eyes are small, __29__. He __30__glasses.
21. A. big B. small
C. long D. tall
22. A. has B. is
C. have D. are
23. A. number B. name

