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[db:作者] 2024-07-09试卷答案




42.She became famous through her connection with the group of (诗人) .____43.The policy is to integrate children with special needs into (普通的) schools.____44.Let me give another example to (阐明) this difficult point.45.She seemed to have no (欲望) to go there; besides, her clothes were not good____enough.46.She had been thinking the matter over, and she thought an (道歉) distinctly____needful.


Your garden is beautiful flowers.
拓展 fill 及物动词 (使)满;(使)注满;(使)充满
fill … with Please fill this glass with water.
7. Last name=family name 姓氏    First name=given name 名   full name 全名  
I am Li Ming. My first name is Ming and my last name is Li.
How do you spell your last name  


D. has a different opinion from Michelle
I am Benjamin Lou, Chinese name Lou Yingen, who is a 20-year-old Chinese-American mathematician living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) (脊髓性肌萎缩症), and now I am studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.
Although I’ve never taken a physical step on this planet, I can fly in the space of math and physics freely.
Diagnosed with SMA, I have had no ability to walk, eat, or use the restroom without help since I was a baby.But these things can’t prevent me from getting unlimited freedom in the areas of math and physics.
When I was a 4th grader, I became interested in math and learned about calculus (微积分). By the 5th grade, I scored in the top one percent on the AMC 10, a competition aimed at high school sophomores (高中二年级学生). In the 8th and the 9th grades, I qualified (取得资格) for the USA Mathematics Olympiad, being among the top 250 young mathematicians in the nation. A similar qualification for the USA Physics Olympiad soon followed. My love for the mathematical sciences led me to MIT in the end, where I major in physics and math.
It is clear to me that math isn’t only about numbers. It’s actually the language of the universe (宇宙), a beautiful way to describe the logical patterns (逻辑模式) that exist in everything around us. And it is this same language that has allowed me to transcend the physical limitations of my body. As time goes by, even as my muscles weakened, my interest in understanding the world has only deepened. If I can understand the language of the universe, why should I worry about my physical disability

