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[db:作者] 2024-07-09试卷答案




17.How long has the speaker lived in a big city?A.One year. B.Ten years. C.Eighteen yars.


D. Never go to the drive-through at rush hours.
Our future selves used to be a riddle. Now, thanks to social media filters (滤镜), we can stare them right in the face. People fell in love with TikTok this month to share themselves "aging" in real time using a filter "Time Travel". Set to a sad song, the effect shows the user's face slowly getting older, complete with wrinkles and sunspots.
Camera filters that age you have been around for years. But advancements in AI are making the results more real. Doctor Aleksandra Brown said the TikTok "Time Travel" filter does well in guessing how a given face would age.
As we get older, our facial skin thins, fat dissolves (溶解) and gravity pulls everything downward. Not everyone is pleased about this. One of Brown's friends didn't like watching time fly past. She couldn't stand watching herself age 50 years in 15 seconds—could life really go by that fast Brown cried herself after using the aging effect on her own young daughter. She won't live to see her daughter get that old, she pointed out.
For other people, the "Time Travel" filter brought up unexpected positive feelings. Actor Jonathan Bennett shared a video saying his own filtered face recalled happy memories of his late father. Nicole Loehle, a 24-year-old in New Jersey, tested the effect with her boyfriend. It gave her a new viewpoint, she said, she could imagine the relationship lasting into their old age.
There's no correct way to age. But it's important to remember that no one can stop time or undo its effects. "I keep trying to view aging as a gift," Brown said. "Some people don't get to age, unluckily."


The day after the election, every minute seemed like an hour while I waited for the results. The question haunted me whether my efforts would bear fruit. While the girls kept encouraging me, I felt anxious that my imperfect performance would cost me the opportunity to win the election. Then came the thrilling moment when the result was announced. Instantly the principal read my name, the students erupted into thunderous applause. It dawned on me that I accomplished more than I had dreamed of.

