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[db:作者] 2024-07-10试卷答案





20.What is the advantage of technology according to the man?A.People can work at home.B.People become more independent.C.People have more opportunities to talk.


(Text 10)
M: Hi there! My name's Peter Denison and I make my living by repairing old clocks and watches. I'm here to tell you about my work. Most people think my interest in clocks and watches must come from a family tradition. Actually, my father was a farmer who liked animals perhaps because my grandfather was a doctor for animals. But growing up, I was always fixing bikes and taking things like radios to bits. One day when I was 12, I took my parents' clock to bits and discovered the clock was actually beautifully made inside. After leaving school, I did a course about the art of designing clocks. I did well and went on to get a job in London afterwards. But I didn't like city life, so I decided to go home and set up my own workshop in the country. I began working in a corner of an old factory. Actually, I've spent my entire adult life working on my own in little rooms. I once worked in a wooden shelter in a small garden. Now my workplace is a little office behind a shop. For me, clocks are something which connects us to the past. I'm devoted to repairing things and keeping old things going. I often work with old clocks from the period between 1850 and 1950. The oldest one I've worked on was an Italian night clock dating from 1650.
1~5 ABCCA 6~10 BABCA 11~15 BCCAB 16~20 BCACA
21.C 细节理解题。根据Perisher Ski Resort(度假胜地)一节“Where: a six-hour drive from Sydney”可知,从悉尼开车到Perisher Ski Resort需花费6小时。
22.C 细节理解题。根据Thredbo一节“Whether you're skiing down Australia's longest ski run... Thredbo has it all.”可知,Thredbo有澳大利亚最长的滑雪道。
23.D 细节理解题。根据Falls Creek Alpine Resort一节“The largest ski resort in Victoria... with a ski school and child-friendly runs.”可知,若带着孩子一起滑雪的话,宜前往Falls Creek Alpine Resort。


A.Go fishing. B.Cook food.
C.Fly kites. D.Pick oranges.
10.Which of the following is TRUE ____
A.Anna's family often go to the zoo for a picnic.
B.Anna's mother likes to cook fish and eggs.
C.Anna's mother never drinks milk.
D.Maomao is a cute cat.

