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[db:作者] 2024-07-10试卷答案




20. What is the average cost based on?tbA. The to p 10 best universities.ersB. The to p 10 largest universities.C. The to p 10 most famous universities.


Finally, the day came when Wesley reunited with his beloved car. As Jake led him closer to the familiar sound of an engine rumbling, Wesley still had no idea what surprise his family had in store for him. When they turned the corner, Wesley froze in shock. Parked before him was his beloved Christine, gleaming under the sunlight. His heart raced, and tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes. Could it really be his car
Wesley's hands trembled as he reached out to confirm that it was real. He ran his hands on the car, memories of the time he had spent with the car flooding back. Overwhelmed with emotions, he turned to his family. Seeing the joy on her husband's face, Laura stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, feeling the weight of the emotions that had been building up over the years. Wesley's eyes were filled with gratitude. He knew that no matter what life threw at them, they would always be there for each other. And that was what truly mattered.
1.总分 25 分,按 5个档次给分。


30. Why does the writer write the passage
A. To ask us to buy Kaylan’s books. B. To show how to learn Geography.
C. To invite us to join an organization. D. To show a boy who loves Geography.
At around 5 p.m. on school days, a group of volunteers (志愿者) are waiting at the gate of a primary school in Qingquan Community (社区), Ningbo. Known as “shared grandmas”, they are here to pick up children for young couples living in the community. Yuan Peijun is one of the grandmas.
Years ago, Yuan helped to pick up a little girl who went to the same kindergarten as her grandson. The girl’s parents were busy with their work, so it was difficult for them to pick up the girl on time. Yuan decided to help the young couple when she found that they lived in the same community. Yuan kept on helping the young couple and they were thankful to Yuan.
Yuan’s actions encouraged more elderly women to join her. In September 2019, they set up a club in the community. Now the volunteer team has 58 grandmas. They are mostly in their 60s and 70s. Over the past years, they have taken turns picking up over 600 children in the community from school.

