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[db:作者] 2024-07-13试卷答案




45.What language must people speak during the tour?A. Chinese.B. English. C.French.D. Japanese.


21 , her children were safe from the storm completely unharmed.
Decker lost one leg above the knee and the other above the ankle.
“When I looked down at my legs, I 22 what had happened. I was afraid that something more
terrible would happen, 23 I took my phone, and made a video to my husband.” Decker said. “I prayed
to survive(幸存),that I want these kids to have a mum and I did not want them to grow up without me.”
Her prayers(祈祷)were 24 by a neighbour.He ran for help and found an officer travelling in a
car. The officer used tourniquets (止血带) to stop her blood loss.


M: In the Internet age nowadays, there are so many different websites we can visit. What is your favorite website and why (14)
W: Well, although there are various choices, I'd definitely say YouTube. (14) It has great content. I like to read news on it. It provides me with the latest news from all over the world.
M: You kidding ! I cannot stand YouTube. There are advertisements all the time. (15) It really ruins the experience for me.
W: I agree with you. That is the only problem with it. Especially when an advertisement appears between what you are watching, it is annoying. However, it can recommend what you like according to your browsing history. That's my favorite feature. What is your favorite then
M: I prefer Vimeo for videos. (16) For music, I use Beatport a lot. (17) It specializes in electronic music. It is updated fast. But there is one thing that I think can be improved. (17)
W: In what way (17)
M: Well, you can't hear a full song on the website. I'd like that to change. (17)

