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[db:作者] 2024-07-13试卷答案




Kids cant learn to like something if they are n't exposed to it. My suggestion is to put a fruit orvegetable on the plate every single meal. They may not e at it. Just continue to offer in various ways:different seasonings (调味) , with dips and using different cooking methods. It takes multipleexposures sometimes for kids to learn to like a food. 33 .____Start With Small Portions (份量)Especially for younger kids, trying new foods can be overwhelming. If the family is eatingbroccoli (西兰花) , put one piece on your young childs plate. 34 . This is much more____manageable than walking up to the table and seeing a large portion of a potentially scary new food.Model Healthy EatingPositive role modeling is huge in getting kids to eat. 35 . So many parents may be____picky themselves and dislike vegetables. You have to put on a good show and set an example of whathealthy eating looks like for your children.36 Make veggie-cating fun for the family. Have a blind taste test with your children. And you canbe honest if you havent “learned to like”something yet. You and your kids can try new foods in afun way together.A.Make It FunB.Try New FoodsC.Then they can have more if they want itD.But they will never eat it, if they never see itE.And you should tell them they have to eat moreF.It is important to expose kids to diverse foods starting in babyhoodG.If you arent eating the foods, you can never expect your child to eat them


( ) 4. What was Mr. Pickles afraid of
( ) 5. What did Mr. Nimbus forget to look at


第二节 (满分25分)
The small Texas school that I attended carried out a tradition every year during the eighth grade graduation: it awarded a beautiful gold and green jacket, the school colors, to the student who had maintained the highest grade for eight years. The scholarship jacket had a big gold S on the left front side and the winner's name was written in gold letters on the pocket. It would be a great honor for any of the students.
I was fourteen and in the eighth grade. I had been a straight A student since the first grade, and I had looked forward to owning that jacket. Even though I was quite athletic, there would never be a sports school jacket for me because of my poor family. This one, the scholarship jacket, was my only chance. But according to the school tradition, there was only one position for the top student, and Joann was my biggest opponent(对手), whose grades were enough to compare to mine. The school would make the final decision through teacher voting three days later.
One day, after a history class, another hour of sweating in basketball was coming up. Then I remembered my P.E. shorts were still in a bag under my desk where I'd forgotten them. I had to walk all the way back and get them. I was almost back at my classroom's door when I heard the voices from Mr Schmidt, my history teacher, and Mr Boone, my math teacher They seemed to be talking about the coming voting.“Martha has straight As and you know it," that was Mr Schmidt.Mr Boone said,“Yes, it' tough. Joann's father was dead in a car accident. We could say the jacket will be a huge encouragement to her ...”
Shaking, I waited a few minutes and then went in and got my bag and escaped from the room. To this day I don't remember how I made it through the rest of the afternoon. I knew little about Joann because we were not in the same class. I had overheard that conversation, which made me reconsider the matter of this jacket.

