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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案





30. What does the author advise gardeners to do n paragraph 59?A.Buy many plants. B.Buy the required plants.C.Work as they plan to. D.Live in the way they like.


Five Ways to Improve Your Outdoor Photography
If you're thinking about entering our Beautiful Britain Photo Competition, here are five ways to help inspire the best outdoor photos.
● Get to know your subjects
All across the British Isles you will find opportunities to spot, and photograph, the large variety of wildlife calling our shores home. 36 You will get far better photos if you can predict what they are likely to do next.
·Capture details in a close-up
Going in close can bring some fascinating rewards in nature photography. In this way, a small object will appear greater than life-size in a photo. Pick up rain drops on a spider's web or capture a bee landing on a flower. 37 .


doctors are always very busy and they have to work for a long time. So they don’t have much time to have a rest.
This robot can ask the basic information of the patients(病人). In this way, it can save the doctors’ time and
know more about the patients.
A fishing ground is already used to help catch fish in Norway. The fish can grow up inside the fishing
ground. When the fish move forward, it will move as they go. It also has radar equipment(雷达装置). It will
only move in the certain area of the sea. So no matter where it goes, the fishermen can find it easily. In this way,
people can enjoy more deep sea fish while it’s easy for fishermen to work.

