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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案




14.What is Lambertini's attitude to world leaders in environmental issues?A. Critical. B. Favorable. C.Tolerant.D. Doubtful.


2. Which of the following is a suitable sport in Biarritz
A. Surfing. B. Soccer. C. Volleyball.
3. Which place is near the Seine
A. Marseille. B. Rouen. C. Biarritz.
I turned off the classroom light, only to find a tearful Laura outside the door. “Sister Jo, can I talk to you Do you have time ” I smiled. “I always have time for you, honey.” We sat in the empty classroom as she described the effect her dad's alcoholism was having. After half an hour, she said. “I know you can't do anything about it, but thanks for listening. My mom keeps saying, ‘He's sick! Alcoholism is a disease!’ ” I gave her a hug. Then it hit me. Why hadn't I taken Laura out walking with me
The next day was just as lovely. At 3: 00 p. m. , Brian was at the door. “Hi, can I talk to you ” “Sure”, I answered. “But it's such perfect weather. Can we go for a walk ” We circled the lake near our school and talked about helping troubled kids.


M:That would be great! What do you have
W:We have the turkey sandwich, chicken salad, and vegetarian pasta.
M:I'd like a turkey sandwich. Thank you.
听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
(Text 10)
M:Hello, it's me David Smith. Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st.So I'll talk about Curt Gowdy. Born on July 31st, 1919, he was an excellent sports broadcaster and host of the outdoor show. He developed the idea for the television sports show and hosted ABC's Wide World of Sports, which showed a variety of sports on Saturday afternoon. In1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. It became a hit and almost immediately ABC created a new show built around outdoor amusement—The American Sportsman, hosted by Curt Gowdy. The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. For millions of Americans, the show was their window to the natural world. Gowdy, an active environmentalist, was a member of the Conservation Hall of Fame International. To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy StatePark in 1972. The park lies above 6,450 feet in height. Gowdy loved it, saying “It has two beautiful lakes, hiking trails, fishing and beauty. What greater honor can a man receive ” OK, so much for today. Goodbye.

