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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案




A.Whe i ia weui iv Qaiar win is irienu isB.riow Miark watcned Uatar world L up.C.Why Mark is going to Qatar.


The patient’s brains aren’t sending “walking” messages to their legs. Instead, the tablet tells the implant to send the walking messages. The researchers used computers to generate patterns of movement, like taking a step. The patient then uses the tablet to choose the pattern and the muscles move in the chosen way. Over time, the men were able to walk using a special walker with buttons to control each leg.
The solution isn’t perfect. It’s very expensive, it requires difficult surgery, and the patients can’t walk without the system. But the scientists are hopeful that in the future, this sort of technology will allow many paralyzed people to begin to walk again in just hours.
1.What's the main function of the spinal cord
A. It serves as a message carrier. B. It helps people stand up straight.
C. It takes control of the muscles. D. It produces signals for movements.
2.What is the implanted device expected to do
A. Activate the damaged nerves. B. Identify the position of the injury.


Tom is 18 years old.He always dreams to be a 27. some day.So he decides to leave home and joins a music company(公司).His father hears that and gets 28. ,"Singer My son It's a disgrace!(耻辱)"he 29. ."What do they think of it when the neighbours know your job ""I will change my name,"Tom says."Change your name "Tom's father shouts angrily,"
30. will the neighbours know you are my son if you're 31. "
27.A.actor B.singer C.writer
28.A.angry B.happy C.sad
29.A.smiles B.talks C.shouts
30.A.Why B.What C.How
31.A.success B.successful C.succced

