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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案





10.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a club. C.In a classroom.


Nana (I call my grandma Nana) saw me 41 . She left me many great memories. She told me stories of the fairies and princesses but also of the wars and how she 42 those days.
Nana was born during the Second World War with a very different lifestyle and childhood from me. She didn't get education. In fact, she had to help with the housework. Even when her siblings(兄弟姐妹) got the 43 to learn, she would only watch them read and write. But she never 44 . That is the most important lesson she had taught me.
She taught me to be 45 whatever things I had in my life. When I 46 to be selected in my school's cheerleading team, I was very upset, but she made me realize that, if not in the cheerleading team, something else was out there in the world that was going to happen to me, and it did. I 47 a state-level gymnast.
As years went by, Alzheimer's disease(老年痴呆症) ate her from the inside. The 48 who once refused to call me by any name but her “little bunny”, now didn't even remember what my 49 was. Soon, she forgot who I was until I sang Frank Sinatra's Fly Me to the Moon. The tiny spark(火花) of 50 in her eyes was what I 51 . The little glimmer(微光) in her eyes meant that I was her “bunny” once again.
One day, the glimmer 52 disappeared from her eyes and that was the day when I knew I had lost my nana. On her last day on this earth, as I sat beside her bed watching her fall in and out of 53 , I heard her hum Fly Me to the Moon 54 . That was the last time when I heard her 55 ,but I will keep it in my heart forever.
Nana took a piece of my childhood with her when she left. She is my world, and I know she is proud of me.
41. A. grow up B. look out C. look up D. work out


I wasn’t sure where to start,but finally I got an idea.The first thing I did was write the
advertisement for my computer class.Then I designed brochures,handing them out in the street.I
was filled with self-doubt as I waited for responses.I had absolutely no experience in running a business
and I had no training experience.But on the third day,I got my first response.Two people registered
for my computer class.Then,I got another 10 registrations.I couldn’t believe it.
Fortunately,I made enough money to do the things I wanted.I will never forget the day that
our new refrigerator was delivered.It was much larger than our old one.I paid for it with the

