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陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语

[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案
陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请

陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语选择部分

陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语

12.What made the man change his plan?A.His boss's attitude.B.His mother's death.C.His aunt's bad condition.

2、陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语填空题部分

5. We have a School Day on the      day of next month.
1. —Our school team wins the football game! —What      news!
2. I      want to have a house with a swimming pool (游泳池).
3. The dog is a nice animal with some amazing     W.
4. Tom plays the piano hard, and he wants to be a     W.
5. You'd better make a     plan for your work.

3、陕西省2024春季八年级期末素养测评卷 B卷巩固卷英语阅读理解部分

B. Can you share me the video
C. Wow, that’s so cool!
D. It’s a traditional performance during the Spring Festival.
E. What are you doing
V. 阅读匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
____36____ I’m Li Xia. One day my classmate Xiaoming fell down and hurt his leg badly. Then our teacher called the ambulance (救护车). ____37____ I’m Ma Li. My father took me to Qinghai Lake by car. On the way he saw the sign and then he turned right. ____38____ I’m Su Ming. Last weekend I went to the Library of Qinghai Province. It’s not allowed to eat or drink there. ____39____ I’m Liu Mei. I have a pet dog. Next weekend I plan to visit Regong Art Museum. My mother tells me that dogs can’t be brought into the museum. ____40____ I’m Wang Hao. I want to introduce the People’s Park of Xining. There are many beautiful tulips (郁金香). But remember not to pick them. A. B. C. D. E.

