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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案





58.A.delighted B.terrified C.disappointed D.confused59.A.startB.avoidC.suggest D.continue60.A.approach B.resistance C.devotion D.reaction


A.how soon we must finish the task
B.how often we must finish the task
C.how soon must we finish the task
D.how often must we finish the task
4.Agatha Christie was a female writer    is considered the queen of crime novels.
A.what    B.whose    C.who    D.which
5.—Do you know the boy    is talking to Mr Zhang


Their study, which appeared recently in the publication Science, is not the first to do such a complete genetic study of cancer samples. But no one has ever used such a large sample size.
Serena Nik-Zainal of the University of Cambridge was part of the team that did the research. She said this was “the largest cohort (群体)in the world. It is extraordinary.”
Over 12,000 samples in the study came from patients recruited (招募)by Britain’s National Health Service. They were part of a project to study whole genomes(基因组)from people with common cancers and rare diseases. The rest of the data came from existing cancer data sets.
Researchers were able to study such a large number because of the same improvements in technology that recently permitted scientists to complete the map of the entire human genome.
Andrew Futreal, a genomic expert at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, was not involved in the study. He said the study gave scientists some knowledge of the destructive(破坏性的)forces that caused cancer.
Cancer is a disease of the genome or full set of instructions for running cells. It happens when changes in a person’s DNA cause cells to grow and divide uncontrollably. DNA is a substance (物质)that carries the genetic information in the cells of living things, like a human. In 2020, there were about 19 million new cancer cases worldwide.
For the study, researchers looked at 19 different kinds of cancer in the human body. It identified 58 new “mutational signatures,” or pieces of evidence leading to the causes of cancer. Nik-Zainal said researchers also confirmed 51 of more than 70 previously reported mutation patterns. Some arise ( 出现)because of problems within a person’s cells; others are caused by ultraviolet (紫外线的)radiation, tobacco smoke, or chemicals.

