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[db:作者] 2024-07-15试卷答案





Ⅵ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A young woman got a beautiful garden from her grandmother. She likes it verymuch. She takes good care of her 41 every day, so the flowers grow very well. Hergarden is the best of all the gardens nearby.One day when the woman was looking through a flower catalogue(商品目录) , apicture of a plant caught her 42 . The plant had very beautiful blooms(花) and____there was no such plant in her garden. She was very excited and ordered it 43When the 44 arrived, she planted it next to a wall at the back of her garden. It____45 well, with beautiful green leaves all over it. She thought that the plant wouldbloom soon. Day after day s he 46 it, fertilized(施肥) it, and even talked to it tohelp it bloom. But it was useless.ne week later, she found it47____didn’t bloom. She felt very disappointed(失


They are now married and living with each other.
56.Personality 57.Taste 58.Less 59.Likely 60.Like 61.serious 62.surp
63.example 64.Though/Although 65.something
56.根据第二段 Some psychologists (心理学家) think that your taste in music is related to (有联系的) your
personality. 及上下文描述,可知本文主要谈论的是音乐和性格的关系。故填:Personality,性格。


题目 80. What did Mrs Read think of China
原文 She thinks China is a wonderful country.
得分 答案类型
2分 ①She thinks China is a wonderful country. ②Mrs thinks China is a wonderful country. ③China is a wonderful country. ④Wonderful. ⑤She thinks China is wonderful. ⑥Mrs thinks China is wonderful.
1.5分 1.句子首字母无大写。如: ①she thinks China is a wonderful country. ②mrs thinks China is a wonderful country. ③china is a wonderful country. ④wonderful. ⑤she thinks China is wonderful. ⑥mrs thinks China is wonderful. 2.时态用错。如: ①She think China is a wonderful country. ②Mrs think China is a wonderful country. ③She think China is wonderful. ④Mrs think China is wonderful. 3.句末没有标点符号或符号不正确(。),如: ①She thinks China is a wonderful country ②Mrs thinks China is a wonderful country ③China is a wonderful country ④Wonderful ⑤She thinks China is wonderful ⑥Mrs thinks China is wonderful
1分 没有注意问与答的关系。如 A wonderful country.
0.5分 多个关键信息不全,且没有注意问与答的关系,如 A wonderful.

