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[db:作者] 2024-07-16试卷答案




83. Don't try to fit in everyone. Make friends with those with the same interest.____


A.收信者 B.写信者 C.劳动者 D.求助者
48.People don’t like to write thank-you notes because ________.
A.they think it takes too much time B.they don’t want to say thank you
C.they worry about what to write D.they have few friends to write
49.Kumar found that when a person receives a thank-you note, he will feel ________.
A.worried B.warm C.awkward D.unhappy
50.The best title of the passage is ________.


A new cool guitar is in the box! Andy is very  24 W. He picks(拿起)it up and starts 25 W. But it doesn't sound so good. Andy  26  the guitar. Mom picks it up and says,“Andy,  27 again, and you will make it.”
Andy doesn't want to spend much time  28 it. But he doesn't want to make his mom unhappy. So he tries again. It sounds just as bad. He gets a little angry(生气的) !“Andy,” says his mom, “keep trying, and you can do it.”Andy tries again and again. At last, he plays a very beautiful  29 W. He makes it with hard work!
“Thank you so much  30  buying me this guitar and believing(相信) in me, Mommy.”Andy's mom says,“That's what moms are for!”
21. A.chair B.desk
C.corner D.room
22. A.says B.speaks
C.talks D.tells

