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[db:作者] 2024-07-19试卷答案





25.What do we know about Landis'sandwich shops?A.They didn't suit all job hunters.B.The customers there had special needs.C.The food there was made in factories.D.They had a novel space for customers.


Both these books exhibit a healthy realism about data, algorithms and their limitations. Both
recognize that making progress involves accepting limitations, whether in law or coding. As Ms Lobel
puts it: “ It s always better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ”
28. What can be inferred from the third paragraph
A. The Algorithm is positive. B. The Algorithm is prospective.
C. The Algorithm is complex. D. The Algorithm is recognizable.
29. What does Ms Lobel intend to convey


That’s what he did. So we talked about 20 minutes. He 43 to me his different phone plans. While listening to him, sometimes I was 44 in thought. I gave several “hmm hmm” as a sign of agreement and to 45 that I was still there. Sometimes, I felt a bit 46 . But I stayed calm and 47 until the end of the discussion.
Finally, he said the following to me: “Thank you, Olivier. You are the first person in a long time with whom I had an enjoyable conversation. 48 , people shout at us and slam down the phone. Today, since 10 a. m., I haven’t had a phone 49 without arousing anger. I know you had a long day at work and you could have 50 in front of your TV. But you listened so carefully to me. I am 51 and I sincerely thank you.”
It set me thinking. He had been the 52 of verbal violence(语言暴力) all through his working day. Physical 53 do not exist in this situation but dehumanization(去人性化) seems to happen. 54 , he was only doing his job. I felt a sense of 55 that I hadn’t treated him so rudely.
41. A. found B. forgave C. reminded D. excused
42. A. demanded B. suggested C. begged D. ordered
43. A. explained B. admitted C. apologized D. reported
44. A. stuck B. involved C. interested D. lost

