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[db:作者] 2024-07-22试卷答案





thanked him and left.Then Bob’s father 466 罐子) . He putcook them. Soon the soup was OK and Bob’s father 47 it into jars(罐子) . He putall the vegetables and bones to the water and began tothe bothe bones and the soup into some white jars and put the jars into the refrigerator(冰箱)to keep them 48.A s tirire to go home:20 a. m., Bob’s father 49 all his work, and it wwasBolTakkeike s11:2o b a jar from therefrigeratorsaid the chef(主厨) . He gave Bob a jar from the.But suddenly heWheshouhen Bob arrived home, he couldn’t wait to 50 the soup.D“ s!”“Oh, the chef must have made a mistake(错误) , ”said his father.“Well, I reallyide aam(hope Mr. Hunt's dog likes my soup!”D.painted( ) 41. A. built(B.beganC.sentD.vegetables( ) 42. A. honeyB.yogurtC.meatD.museum) 43. A. restaurantC.schoolB.library D.wait) 44. A. touchC.feedB.become D.appeared) 45. A. actedC.hopedB.agreed D.wrote) 46. A. addedC.brokeB.improved) D.poured) 47. A. chose B.pointedC.tried) 48. A. similarC.fresh D.creativeB.pretty( ) 49. A. orderedB.described C.paidD.finished( ) 50. A. visit B.tasteC.feel D.look




2. A. regularly B. silently C. proudly D. recently
3. A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. training
4. A. made B. believed C. hated D. deserved
5. A. advantage B. achievement C. contribution D. influence
6. A. way B. risk C. place D. reason
7. A. gave up B. went on C. turned to D. dealt with
8. A. heard B. dreamed C. complained D. approved

