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[db:作者] 2024-07-30试卷答案





12. Which dress does the woman like?A. The re d one. B.The white one. C.The blue one.


The authors, led by Tao Shengli, a researcher in remote-sensing technology at Peking University in Beijing, assessed 82 cities across China. They used radar pulses(雷达脉冲) from satellites to measure the changes in the distance between the satellite and the ground to examine how its heights changed between 2015 and 2022.
They found that some 16% of the mapped area of China’s major cities is sinking “rapidly”—faster than 10 millimetres every year. An even greater area, roughly 45%, is sinking at a “moderate” rate, greater than 3 millimetres annually.
They links a range of natural and human factors to sinking, such as the depth of a city’s bedrock, groundwater extraction, the weight of buildings, and the use of transport systems. Previous studies have found that over-extraction of groundwater is a primary cause of severe land subsidence in cities across the world. The authors also listed the weight of buildings as a factor. Contrary to expectations, heavier buildings, such as the skyscrapers, tend to sinks lower than lighter structures do, possibly because those buildings are fixed on deeper rock.
As cities sink, global sea levels are rising, owing to the effects of climate change. The double whammy will cause 22-26% of China’s coastal lands to drop below sea level by 2120, the paper says.
Subsidence is certainly not only a problem in China. By 2040, almost one-fifth of the world’s population is projected to be living on sinking land. Given the urgency of this threat, scientists around the world are exploring various approaches to tackle the issues.
28. How did the researchers measure the land subsidence
A. By using satellites to monitor climate changes.


1. It is very __ (重要的) for us to learn English.
2.There is a big _ (港口) near our village.
3. I am very _ (自豪) of my son who is good at many things.
4. He has been (航行) in the Atlantic for a few days.
5. John is the (船长) of the big ship.

